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What should we pay attention to when accepting plastic moulds?

What should we pay attention to when accepting plastic moulds? 1. Appearance, size and fit of moulded products; 2. Appearance of moulds


Glee High-punch Die Completes 380 strokes in 60 seconds

Since the vigorous development of precision die in 2012, Gree die not only provides a stage for its core technology and innovative technology level, but also provides services for customers in BMW, Honda, Amazon and many other fields. At present, Gree precision die has developed rapidly in the fields of household appliances, automobiles, 3C, etc. Among them, high-impact dies can reach up to 380 strokes per minute, which equals the leading enterprises at home and abroad.


How do injection precision mould factories treat mould making?

There are relatively many precision injection mold manufacturers, most of which are strong in strength, and there are no problems in personnel and equipment management. The cost of a precise set of moulds is three to four times higher than that of a normal set of moulds, needless to say that anyone who understands the moulds knows it. The price is reasonable. In the process of moulding, they will not neglect to treat the working details of each set of moulds.


How to choose the manufacturer of precision die parts?

With the continuous development of the times, there are more and more manufacturers engaged in precision die parts processing in the market. In this case, how should the purchaser choose the manufacturer of precision die parts?

Dongguan Quanxin Precision Technology Co., Ltd is a high precision machining technology enterprise. It got more than 10 years rich experience in tooling design, machining, assembling, precision plastic & metal stamping production. It’s one of the leading company in the precision plastic tool and precision metal tool manufacturing  field. 

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Add: Rongfu Road No.3 Shangsha 3rd Industrial Zone, Changan Town Dongguan Guangdong

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